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01332 703 532
07759 189 229

Michelle has owned and cared for animals all her life and in July 2013 fulfilled a long-standing ambition by becoming the owner of Conifer Kennels and Cattery. She works full-time at the kennels and cattery and is personally involved in all aspects of their running and management. She is readily available to help with any enquiries or queries you may have.

Alix is Michelle's only daughter and has had the amazing life of being able to grow up surrounded by dogs and cats and has never had a moment without one. She works part time at the kennels in between working full-time as a teacher. She is an invaluable member of the team dealing with all aspects of customer service, public relations and acts as the deputy in Michelle's absence.

Luke is an ambitious young boy, he is Michelle's only son and enjoys playing with the cats and walking the dogs as well as running around the field and throwing the ball for our more energetic boarding dogs. He loves the outdoor life and living in a rural setting surrounded by animals of all kind. He helps with the maintenance of the kennels and cattery around his studies at college.

Lisa began working for us after the pandemic and has been an invaluable member of the team ever since. She owns two of her own dogs and cats and is such a bubbly and lively member of the team. She is amazing at entertaining all of the dogs, all day long, giving them lots of fuss and attention. Since beginning her journey with us she has also become a qualified dog groomer!

Jo works in our new Cat Hotel part time around her job as a triage nurse in a children's Accident and Emergency department. She has two cats and a dog of her own and cares for each cat in the cattery as if they were her own. The cattery is always completely spotless thanks to Jo's high standards of cleaning in her full time job and here. Jo has worked in the kennels numerous times as well and loves playing with all of our customers' dogs.

Ava works at the kennels and in the cattery around her A Level studies as she works hard to hopefully become a veterinarian in the near future. She has 2 crazy border collies of her own and tarantulas - but we are definitely not ready to take tarantulas as guests here yet! Ava is a lovely and bubbly young girl and we can't wait to see her achieve her goals and aspirations.

Kim works at the kennels full time during the week caring for all of your cats and dogs. She is such a valuable member of the team. She spends her spare time training and showing horses - no dog is too big with her horsey experience!

Eve works in the kennels mainly at the weekends but you will see her mid-week on occasion as she works around her college course. She is also an avid horse trainer and rider and competes often across the country.

Asha also works in the kennels mainly at the weekends as she works around her college course where she is completing her A Levels in the hopes to study Law at University next year. She is fantastic with all of the dogs and gives off such a calming aura!

Shadow, Maxie, Bailey, Nala, Jasmine, Maya, Nova and Custard
Shadow is a 14 year old black and white border collie. He is a typical border collie in the sense that he is extremely intelligent, loves playing fetch, adores having cuddles and will run for miles and miles. His favourite thing to do is swim and he will never say no to a treat or two!
Maxie is unfortunately no longer with us but was such an amazing pup. He was a 13 year old border collie cross, he enjoyed napping and having lots of cuddles. Maxie's favourite thing to do was chasing bubbles and catching flies up on the field in the summer time, we will miss him dearly.
Bailey was our first ever female brown and white border collie. She loves getting attention and hugs. She has had 3 litters and has given birth to 16 beautiful, healthy brown and white puppies.
Nala is a 7 year old brown and white border collie. She was Baileys first daughter and they've been inseparable ever since. She loves chasing Shadow around the field and playing tug of war. She loves kisses and cuddles and is very energetic!
Jasmine was born at the beginning of spring 2019 and keeps us constantly entertained with her antics. She is a very affectionate dog and loves bombing round with her mother, sister and the others!
Maya and Nova are blue and white border collies born in the summer of 2021. They have very quickly settled into our home and have both had a litter of their own successfully giving birth to 17 puppies between them - talk about having our hands full! They have been a challenge for sure but are so lovely and friendly with everyone. What's two more when you already had 5?
Custard is the newest addition to our collie crew, she is a gold and white border collie who is certainly keeping us on our toes! You may see her running around the field, refusing to come inside quite often!