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07759 189 229

2020 Round Up
As you may or may not be aware, over the last year we have been busy upgrading the kennels and obtaining planning permission for a brand-new cattery - due to be completed in 2021!
We have extended the dog exercise area and incorporated a new secondary boundary fence to separate it from the larger, improved car parking area. We have also installed a new weather-proof path to our reception area, allowing easy all year-round access to our buildings. Behind the scenes, we have also updated the outdated drainage system replacing it with a more efficient modern one.
We know that pets are a much-loved part of your family. This is why we have installed CCTV, to increase security and provide you with the reassurance and peace-of-mind that your pets are being monitored 24/7, 365 days a year. We feel that this is particularly important. Our staff will now also use two-way radios enabling communication anywhere within the kennel grounds at anytime.
We can now be contacted more easily throughout the day by phone with an additional line installed to the kennel’s reception area. With a WiFi facility now also available throughout the grounds and the introduction of an Instagram account running alongside Facebook, we should be up to date with modern methods of communication.
We have realised over the last year that the provision of pet day-care and a collection and drop-off service are in high demand especially due to the current, ever-changing pandemic situation. We are happy to announce that we are now able to offer these services by prior arrangement. All collection and drop-offs being made in our fully licensed vehicle.
We would like to thank you for your continued support and look forward to seeing you again very soon and to extend a warm welcome to new visitors.